David A. Arnott

Hi. I'm David, a writer, editor, and doer in San Francisco.

That's a picture of me taking an early morning walk in the best park in my hometown.

I was born and raised in San Francisco, went to college in New York City, went to Santa Cruz and graduated with an M.A. in Education, did some teaching, did some radio, moved to Charlotte, NC, wrote about (fantasy) sports for a few years, became a Charlotte Bobcats obsessive, was a business journalist for a few years, moved with my family back to the Bay Area, and now work in nonprofit communications.

The easiest way to ask me about the merits of the 13-month calendar, the secret to Dutch oven enchiladas, or anything else, is via email at davidarnott8@gmail.com.

If that thumbnail work history above wasn't enough, my LinkedIn profile details most of the places I've worked, and you know it's legit because I have a beard in that photo.

I've collected selections of my work from multiple sources and linked to them on a single page in an attempt to impress you with the variety of my output.

Photographs taken on my smartphone or Nikon D3400 and posted to my Instagram account illustrate how I'm Living My Best Life™ or, alternatively, Notice Things In A Unique Way.

When I was in high school, I started a band called 29 Sunset. There used to be another person in the group, but now it's just me. A few recordings are up on Spotify and other streaming platforms. If you want me to play your private event or party, my fee starts at $800,000.

One more thing... I wasn't kidding about being a Charlotte Bobcats obsessive. I founded the blog Rufus on Fire and posted about the Cats almost every day for years. During the 2008-09 season, I attended 44 Bobcats games in person — every home game, plus games in Cleveland, D.C., and Philadelphia. The Bobcats went 35-47 that year.